TRUST’s specific objectives addressing the aforementioned challenges are:

  1. Provide novel, environmental and economic sustainable wastewater treatment solutions for challenging industrial wastewaters, applying a circular economy approach and in a synergic collaboration between technology providers, economists and LCA expert. Quantified targets of wastewater treatment performance and reuse, and valuable substances recovery at pilot level will be indicators of achieving the objective of economic and environmental efficiency of wastewater treatment. In addition, reduction in the unit cost of wastewater treatment with the new technology will be another indicator.
  2. Propose optimal management strategies based on reuse of water at multiple allocations levels, in partnership with water utilities, industries, local and regional water authorities including policymakers. The local and regional stakeholders in the countries of interest will be involved in a participatory approach. In addition, socio- economic partners will step in to ensure enhancing the implementation of European environmental strategies and policies at territorial and local levels.
  3. Present concrete scenarios highlighting the impact of water reuse and thus water resource saving in the light of climate change, taking into account the regional constraints identified by hydrologists and hydrogeologists. Indicators will be the achievement of hydrogeological models (3 per pilot project: SWAT, WEAP, MODFLOW), and of guidelines for regional water management bodies on treated wastewater. 
  4. Identify business models based on a regional approach in order to contribute in sustainable resources management and sustainable business operations through saving of fresh water, reducing operating expenses and developing regional-scale facilities. Potential market and expected number of replicas of the project and expected growth rate of industrial reclaimed water use will be indicators of achieving the objectives.


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